All special occasions like festivals, assemblies, functions etc. are used as a learning resource. We invest our precious time in organizing house activities, talent shows, sports day, elder’s day and teacher’s day.
These special days are to inculcate various skills needed for the all round development and survival in today’s fast placed world. We believe in encouraging every child and not showing or highlighting his/her weaknesses. By this they get aware about everything.
Club- based Activities
To nurture special talent in students, they are encouraged to join clubs (any of a large number of special activity clubs) like – Yoga, Karate, Athletics, Cricket, Volley Ball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Art & Craft, Modern Dance, Vocal Music, Performing Arts, Explorations, Literacy Mission, Environment, Interact Club, Eco-Club, Health Club etc.
House System
All the children at Indus Global School Mandi are assigned houses and within the houses the senior students are expected to accept considerable responsibility. All competitive games and co-curricular activities are held on inter house competition basis.
Annual Day & Carnivals
Cultural Programmes, Fetes, Science Fairs and Fun-filled Games are organized regularly. They are creatively designed, encouraging 100% participation of children and parents. These events aren’t just for mere celebration, but to sharpen the skills in organising and team team effort abilities in the students. The gracious presence of distinguished personalities always inspires our students to even greater heights of achievement.