Words From Chairman
It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that Indus Global School (INDIA) is my dream project to bring the latest in education to Mandi. We are attempting to bring the future, blended with modernity and the most original trends in ‘assessment’.
-Chandan Bhatia

From Director’s Desk
As I look back over the last ten years I am possessed by a great feeling of satisfaction to witness that our school which began its life as a tiny sapling has spread its branches and dug firm roots to a Banyan tree, providing quality education and a strong foundation to the young of our nation. The motto of this school, “Know thyself” was carefully thought of to portray the development of a child through the journey in school. Children with tender and receptive minds are eager and natural learners. They are quick to observe and absorb all around them. We at Indus Global School endeavor to optimize their creative and adventurous spirit by providing them all possible avenues of creativity, adventure and sport activities. We are dedicated to provide all students with a safe learning environment and the opportunity to develop into well rounded responsible citizens. Our objective is to offer a diverse academic curriculum, wide array of extra curriculum activities and to continually strive to enhance our student’s strength.
- As parents your words of encouragement to our staff and our students will go a LONG WAY IN A PROCESS THAT ENQUIRES A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION BY EVERY MEMBER OF THE TEAM.
- Thank you for your valuable support and interest in our institution of learning.
-Bharti Bhatia

From Director’s cum Principal Desk
It is an honour and privilege to be the Director & Principle of Indus Global School Mandi, the school that stands for excellence and continuously sets highest standards. IGS is known for its pioneer role in the field of quality education . IGSI believes in and works on the premise that every child is an extra ordinary creation of Almighty , thus has same inherent qualities, talents and skills which the parents and teachers try rediscover and enhance it, to make them sparkle like gems. I am very proud that my staff is inculcating the human values such as love, honesty, respect, humanity , empathy and compassion among students, so that they finally emerge as harmonious individuals who see the ultimate fulfillment of their life in service to humanity . We visualize IGS as that prototype of a school which will emerge as a template for others to get close to. We will march ahead with the clarity of minds that “ The Power of ignited soul is more powerful than any force on earth” To succeed in our mission , we must have single minded devotion towards our goal . I assure you that my doors will always be open to the students and their parents for any suggestions , help or guidance. We always welcome parents. We treat parents as partners – their motivation can do wonders.
-Madan Lal
